LESLLA 2023: Virtual Symposium Keynote by Carmen Fonseca

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If only connect: L2 multiliteracies, socio-emotional factors and inclusion
By M. Carmen Fonseca-Mora, University of Huelva, Spain
19th Annual LESLLA Symposium in Barcelona - Virtual Keynote

There is a growing interest in research on multiliteracy and additional languages, which offers new approaches to literacy problems and recommends a pedagogy of multiliteracy as an inclusive pedagogical practice. The pedagogy of multiliteracies represents much more than a shift from print-based literacy to 21st century multiple forms through which learners can learn and create meaning. Today, in order to be fully integrated into a society and live a prosperous life, every citizen needs to be literate in many areas that overlap with language literacy. Multiple literacies represent several key challenges related to language learning: the beneficial use of multimodality, giving voice to all students in order to develop citizens' critical thinking skills, and the implementation of inclusion practises. In this sense, LESLLA's needs have been analysed and, as a result, different language programmes have been designed, but there is still room to reflect on the socio-affective drivers of cultural connectedness between (and among) migrants from different countries and native speakers of the host country. This lecture explores the different dimensions corresponding to the L2 multiliteracies framework for migrants and considers the role of language teachers in affirming cultural openness, engagement, positive emotions, motivation, sense of belonging and connectedness for inclusion in the school context.

About Dr. Carmen Fonseca-Mora
Dr. Carmen Fonseca-Mora is a Full Professor of Applied Linguistics in the Department of English Philology at the University of Huelva, Spain, where she has been also Prorector for Lifelong Learning and Innovation Programmes and Director of the COIDESO Research Centre. She is the director of ReALL (Research in affective language learning Lab). Her main research interests and international projects are related to affect, music, reading, multiliteracies and innovation in second language learning. She is currently leading the project "Multiliteracies for adult at-risk learners of additional languages (MultiLits)" (Ref: PID2020-113460RBI00), granted by the Spanish Ministry of Research. Her work, published in Spanish, English and German, has appeared in more than a hundred academic journals and edited volumes. She is currently a member of the Conseil Européen pour les Langues /European Language Council (CEL/ELC) and the European Society of Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA) and co-editor of the European Journal of Language Policy.